Keeping the kids happy and entertained doesn't have to cost a fortune. Get great printables and free activities for the whole family on We will also direct you to great coupons to help you save on day trips to museums, clothing shopping and more. If you want to try your luck there are plenty of contests that the kids would love to have you win for them, like trips to Disney and toys.
January 18, 2017
There has been speculation for years that there were common themes to the Pixar movies.
December 1, 2016
Here are some cardboard box crafts that you can make from stuff around the house that will amuse the kids for hours and not cost you a fortune.
September 15, 2016
Have your basic stock-up items delivered right to your door when you need them AND get a discount on the price thanks to Amazon subscribe and save.
November 22, 2015
Avoid the line ups, hot malls, driving in winter weather and finding parking in the busy plaza.
October 26, 2015
Have you got your fill of cute for the day? Don’t miss this adorable baby cuddling with this kitten.
October 16, 2015
This little girl is hilarious! She explains what a princess looks like and how she isn’t one.
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