Keeping the kids happy and entertained doesn't have to cost a fortune. Get great printables and free activities for the whole family on We will also direct you to great coupons to help you save on day trips to museums, clothing shopping and more. If you want to try your luck there are plenty of contests that the kids would love to have you win for them, like trips to Disney and toys.
October 8, 2015
I know I get out of breath during a Zumba class, but this seemed to problem with Audrey!
October 1, 2015
This cake is definitely a show-stopper at this 6 year old’s birthday party.
September 29, 2015
These 5 little girls are so cute! See how they can bust out a move and make their parents proud.
September 27, 2015
When you want to make an impression see what these little girls have to say about first dates.
September 4, 2015
Revealing a pregnancy is always fun, but this little boy takes it to a whole new level!
May 7, 2015
Join the Canadian Mother Resource and get samples from Huggies and Similac as well as other information and coupons.
May 6, 2015
Are you expecting? Join the Baby Be Healthy Program with Sobeys for continued support throughout your pregnancy.
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